Pregnancy, birth & postpartum Doula
The role of a doula is to provide continuous emotional and physical support for Mum and her birth partner throughout labour, birth and the early days of parenting.
With vast experience, Jo has had the pleasure of being part of many births since 2007 in a range of settings. Jo can offer help and suggestions for different comfort measures in labour including breathing, relaxation, movement, acupressure, homeopathy and labour positions. Often, Jo will also support the birth mothers’ partner in order to better support Mum.
One of the benefits of choosing Jo is that you can call her at any time during your labour when you are ready for her to come and support you. Normally, she will be with you within an hour of your call. Jo will support you with your choice in how you want to birth without speaking for you, making decisions for you or projecting her own opinions or values onto you. She will be there to give you information and to support you on this very special day.
Jo believes all women have the power and courage to birth their babies with ease. Often, women just need some reassurance and empowerment to find that strength and power from within. It truly is Jo’s pleasure and honour to be invited to share such a special time and be allowed to hold space for women to birth their babies.

Doula Package Inclusions
2-3 antenatal appointments
Support for the birth
Homeopathic remedies used during labour
2 post-natal appointments
extra appointments available at $60/hour

Doula Package Investment
Doula package $2800 ex GST
$700 deposit payable at time of booking
$700 paid at 28 weeks
$800 paid at 34 weeks
Balance due at 37 weeks
Choosing the right doula is an important decision. To get started, please feel free to give Jo a call or send through an email to discuss your birth goals and whether Jo is the right fit for you and your family.

Did you know that women who are supported by doulas have:
Shorter labour duration
Less pain medication
Fewer interventions
Fewer incidents of C-sections