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Spectrum Herbal

Herbal Worming and Parasite Cleanse - Spectrum Worming

Herbal Worming and Parasite Cleanse - Spectrum Worming

Regular price $31.85 AUD
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Spectrum Herbal Worming & Parasite Cleanse contains herbal ingredients traditionally used around the world,  which have been effective for hundreds of years in assisting in the elimination of worms and other parasites. 


Often you will find that sleep is disrupted and may also complain of an itchy bottom. Often this will happen around a full moon. Worms cycle with the moon and so the tell-tale signs are waking at night or super grumpy round a full moon.

Some other common signs can be :
🐛 Loss of appetite/ or eating you out of a house and home.
🐛 vomiting
🐛 Anger/grumpy behaviour
🐛 Bloating
🐛 Gas and burping
🐛 waking at night
🐛 Anaemia is common if the child has hookworms.
🐛 Frequent urination, painful urination
🐛 Weight loss


1 ml (20 drops) cold liquid such as juice or water four times daily for three days. Repeat dosage in one week for one day. (dropper = 1 ml)

Child Dose

To help little children, try making Jelly and pour into ice cube tray. When Jelly is at room temperature add 1 dose to each cube and let it set. Give child a cube of Jelly as per dose instructions.

Not to be used in children under 2 years of age without medical advice.


Wormwood, Mugwort, Walnut, Anise, Blue Cohosh, Gentian, Rhubarb and Garlic, Ethanol, Purified Water.

WARNING: Wormwood should not be taken if pregnant or likely to become pregnant or if breast feeding.


Wormwood. Used for centuries as a herbal remedy for parasites and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. A part of the Artemisia family.
Black Walnut. Used by Native America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy.
Garlic. Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Also helps with pain.
Gentian used for digestion problems such as appetite, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, vomiting and parasitic worms.
Mugwort. A part of the Artemisia family, Mugwort assists digestion and liver function, expels parasites and nervous system therefore helping with sleep and restless anxiety.
Blue Cohosh used by Native Americans to treat a variety of conditions, ranging from parasites to nervous disorders.
Rhubarb used in traditional Chinese medicine. Primarily for digestive complaints, Hence assisting with constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, and easy bowel movements

These claims are based on traditional use. The information provided is meant to be a guide and should never replace professional advise.  Always consult a health professional and do not self diagnose. If symptoms persist, please consult a healthcare practitioner.

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