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Jo Spies/Aroha Health

Kombo Kit (Combination Homeopathy Kit)

Kombo Kit (Combination Homeopathy Kit)

Regular price $121.00 AUD
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Kombo Kit
Looking for natural alternatives to support your family with acute illness and minor injuries? The Kombo Kit makes this task super easy! Complete with 15 mini  Combination Homeopathic remedies targeted to cover a range of situations. This kit is small enough to travel with but a powerful tool to have on hand! Perfect for at home or on the go. 

Includes: Allergy/Hayfever, Pain Mix, Fever Help, Sore Tummy Mix, Ear Ache, Sprains/Strains & Inflammation, Cramps, Gastro Mix, Calming, Rescue Plus, Sore Throat, Cuts & Abrasions, Burns Mix, Itchy Skin.

This kit contains 15 mini combination homeopathic remedies (3ml size bottle) complete in a protective case. These blended remedies have been carefully created to cover a huge range of issues without needing to carry a large selection of individual remedies. Using Combination remedies can also remove some of the stress or confusion trying to choose the right single remedy when treating an ailment.

About The Kombo Kit – Mini Homeopathic Combination Remedies

Allergy/Hayfever Allergic conditions of skin, nose and chest, asthma and hayfever. 
Contains Lac Felinium, Lac Caninum, feathers, grass, pollen, hay dust and house dust.
Dose when acute 6 x day, otherwise just 2 times a day.
Pain mix    relieves pain anywhere in the body
Contains Aconite, Guaiacum, Guaco, Gunpowder and Frobin.
Dose 6 x day, reduce as pain lessens.
Fever Help  Assist with relief of fever.
Contains Aconite, Belladonna, Arsenium Album
Dose One dose every 10 minutes for 5 doses. Then as needed
Sore Tummy Relieves sore and upset tummies.
Contains: Dios, Colocynthis, Mag phos
Dose One dose every 10 min for 5 doses or as needed
Ear Ache: Help with earaches, may help with recurrent ear infections and glue ear
Contains: Belladonna, Coccinella, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla and Acon
Dose One dose every 10 min for 5 doses or as needed
Sprains, Strains & inflammation Helps alleviate pain from the inflammation of strains and sprains
Contains: Arnica, Rhus Tox and Ruta grav.
Dose as needed upto 6 x day
Bites & Stings Helps with the pain and swelling of bites and stings
Contains: Apis and Ledum
Give 4 doses in the first hour, then as needed
Cramps: Cramps in the extremities, colicky pain and muscle cramps
Contains: Aconite , Cactus, Cuprum Met, Mag Phos, Nux Vom, Oxalic acid and latrodectus.
Acute attack: 1 dose every 10 mins until cramps ease.
Gastro Mix Food poisoning, nausea, vomiting, colic with fever, inflammation of the gastric tract
Contains: Apomorphia, Arsen Alb, Diarrhoea mix, Aloe, Aethusa, Argent Nit and kali phos
One dose every 15 minutes or dissolve 8-10 pills in a glass of water and sip every 10-15 minutes.
Calming Mix Calms the body, mentally and physically.
Contains:  Avena sativa, Coffea, Hunulus ignatia, Kali phos, Passiflora, Sanbul and valeriana.
3 x day. If very nervous 6 x day, when relaxed reduce to once a day
Rescue Plus Emotional shock or fright.
Contains: Aconite, Crataegus Nat mur and rescue Remedy.
Give a dose as needed until feeling calm. Max 6 times a day.
Sore Throat  For sore throats with inflammation and infection.
Contains: Diptherinum, Penicillin, Phytolacca and Streptococci.
One dose every 15 minutes for acute sore throats. Reduce at first sign of improvement.
Cuts & Abrasions Helps with bruising, scratches and pain
Contains: Arnica, Ledum and Calendula.
Give a dose as needed until feeling calm. Max 6 times a day.
Burns Mix Soothes burns
Contains: Cantharis, Urtica urens and Calendula
Give a dose as needed until feeling calm. Max 6 times a day.
Itchy Skin Relieve itching anywhere in the body.
Contains: Croton tig, Dolichos, Fagopyrum, Mag Sulph, Malandrinum and Nat sulph.
3 x day as long as needed.


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